Product Safety and Quality

As a food manufacturing enterprise, Yihai Kerry has always given top priority to product quality and safety, actively fulfilled its social responsibility, and continued to provide consumers with nutritious, healthy, safe and delicious products.Yihai Kerry values the quality and safety of its products, strictly complies with the food quality and safety laws and regulations in all places of its operation, and has established a sound quality control and review system in all places of its operation to strictly control each operation process and improve quality management level.

  1. Quality and Safety Management System

    The Company strictly complies with the provisions of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations for the Implementation of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, and other laws and related regulations,combined with the GB 14881 General Hygiene Practice for Food Production, the ISO 9001 Quality Management System,the ISO 22000/FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management System, the ISO 17025 Testing and Calibration Laboratory General Requirements for Proficiency, IP Certification (Non-GMO Identity Maintenance), and multiple industry chains and industry-standard requirements, such as the BRC Food Safety Standard (British Retail Consortium) and the AIB Unified Food Safety Standard (American Institute of Baking).We have implemented internal standardized management and established a risk management system covering all key points of quality and safety, focusing on excellence, and built a multisystem,multi-level, effective quality and safety management system.

    In accordance with the laws and regulations and industry standards, the Company has also established a comprehensive and efficient management model, covering supplier management, production and processing management, storage and transportation management, and customer end service. This ensures full traceability of products and effective risk control throughout the entire process.

  2. Food Safety Process Control

    We strictly control food safety, set up corresponding requirements and policies, establish a food safety risk checklist, and implement process control work of daily control, weekly checks, and monthly dispatch to ensure food safety. We strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations and have established a perfect management system for genetically modified products.


  3. Quality and Safety Culture Construction

    We continue to strengthen our quality and safety culture construction. Product quality and food safety-related training programs are organized annually, integrating the concept of quality and safety into employees’ daily work. Quality-related trainings for suppliers are conducted annually. In 2023, we conducted 2 training sessions for our suppliers.


    We insist on training on laws, regulations and standards, quality control measures, quality management and process system, Lean Six Sigma management, total quality management, balanced scorecard, and other topics to continuously improve employees' professional and technical ability and quality management level. We also deepen quality awareness and enhance all employees' quality control and management ability. In 2023, we conducted 2,627 quality-related training sessions, with 61,271 participants and 139,249 cumulative training hours.


    We conduct long-term food safety training activities involving all employees, covering basic knowledge of food safety, new regulations and standards, good operating practices, or critical requirements for food safety. In 2023, we conducted 2,250 food safety training sessions, with 330,170 participants and 564,002 training hours.

  4. Providing Excellent Customer Service

    We are committed to improving customer satisfaction. We communicate with consumers efficiently through  various methods, including establishing an efficient customer service system, following the Marketing Company Customer Complaint Management System, and creating a professional service team and a multi-channel feedback mechanism, including a "400 hotline", a global customer management system, a terminal quality submission platform, and a national 12315 platform, thereby enhancing customer trust and satisfaction. Given the higher time-sensitive requirements for e-commerce complaints, the Company has developed the Guidelines for Responding to Common Quality Complaints in E-commerce and provided training support to online customer service teams to optimize service quality and improve consumer experience in 2023.


    We investigate the satisfaction of complaint processing results through the automatic scoring system for incoming calls from "400 hotline" and regular telephone follow-up visits to continuously improve the service quality and customer experience. In 2023, the customer satisfaction rate reached 94.26%, the completeness rate of customer complaints reached 100%, and the satisfaction rate of complaints handling reached 99.62%, with no arbitration cases related to customer complaints.